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A Janela de Íris (2023)

Íris was rescued from a house where she worked for years as a maid in working conditions analogous to slavery and now faces the challenges of her new life with Ana's help.

Makeup & Hair Design; Special Effects

"A Janela de Íris" deals with a delicate reality that is present in the lives of many Brazilians: people who find themselves in situations analogous to slavery. Íris is rescued after spending practically her entire life in the house of her "madam", where she suffered psychological and physical abuse.

The character design of Íris involved extensive research into women who had been in this situation, bringing these women as the main influence for Íris. The character's arc is present even in her appearance: when she is rescued, she has marks and bruises from the abuse she suffered, marks that gradually disappear to make way for a new Íris.


Directed by Luciana Malavasi

DOP: Alexia Godoy

Production Design: Daniela Aldrovandi

Art Assistant: Cássia Marchioli

Prop: Lilian Elefant

Set decor: Daniela Aldrovandi, Madu Medeiros, Luísa Galvão e Cássia Marchioli

Costume Design: Luísa Galvão

Makeup & Hair: Madu Medeiros

Producer: Fantasia e Attos

Shot in Itatiba - São Paulo 2021

Available on demand

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